Horse Posing
Types of Poses
Each show entry at Seeing Stars requires an image or pose. If you want to learn more about how to post an image on the forum, check out the image hosting page.
There are several types of poses for the various disciplines, and many can be used for more than one. For example, the canter gait can be used for Eventing, Reining, Hunter Under Saddle, Western Pleasure, and more.
Posing a horse requires a bit of time and patience plus trial and error at first, but once you've had some practice, it becomes much quicker and easier. Part of posing is also knowing what makes a good one vs an ~okay one. Most likely, you shouldn't take the very first pose you get from your horse and go enter a bunch of shows with it. Getting a good pose usually takes multiple attempts.
Halt Pose
The halt pose is the only standing pose and can be used in several different disciplines. It is the most important pose at Seeing Stars.
Learn more about posing for a halt

Gaiting Poses
Gaiting (manners in which a horse moves as a walk, trot, canter, or gallop) poses can be used in several different disciplines. There are a large variety of acceptable gaits at Seeing Stars.
Learn more about posing for gaits

Jumping Poses
Jumping poses are used for a few different disciplines, most notably, Show Jumping and Eventing. There are only three accepted jump poses at Seeing Stars.
Learn more about posing for jumps

Specialty Poses
Specialty poses are any pose where the horse is not standing, gaiting, or jumping. There are only three accepted specialty poses at Seeing Stars. All three may be used in Reining. There are a couple of other specialty poses which are not part of official disciplines (yet) but may be in the future.
Learn more about specialty poses

Common Disqualifications & Faults
The guide linked below covers most aspects of a pose that would lead to it being heavily faulted or disqualified. Some disciplines have faults for using the wrong type of tack, or something only specific to that discipline, those types are explained in the Official Disciplines section under each discipline.
Learn more about disqualifications & faults

Disciplines & Required Poses
Here is a list of all of the current disciplines at Seeing Stars, as well as the poses each requires.
Halter: Halt pose
Advanced Halter: Halt + canter pose
In-Hand: Halt pose (edited with a halter or bridle)
Advanced In-Hand: Halt + one of the trot poses (both edited with a halter or bridle)
Dressage: Halt pose. For Prix St. George level onward, any gait besides a gallop is acceptable
Show Jumping: Take-off + jump + landing
Advanced Show Jumping: Take-off + jump + landing
Hunter Under Saddle: Any gait besides a gallop or piaffe (may be edited with tack and rider)
Advanced Hunter Under Saddle: Jump + any gait besides a gallop or piaffe (may be edited with tack and rider)
Eventing: Any pose acceptable for Dressage (except a canter) + a canter or gallop + a jump
Western Pleasure: A halt pose or any gait besides a gallop or piaffe (may be edited with tack and rider)
Advanced Western Pleasure: A halt pose or back up + any gait besides a gallop or piaffe (may be edited with tack and rider)
Reining: Canter or gallop + back up, sliding stop, or spin
Advanced Reining: Canter or gallop + back up, sliding stop, or spin (may be edited with tack and rider)
Barrel Racing: Right-facing gallop + barrel turn + left-facing gallop
Thoroughbred Racing
No official pose, just a decent clear picture of the horse and any markings you want to show in the Gallop Racer game when race holders post videos. Many members like to use a halt, canter, or gallop (may be edited with tack and rider)
Driving: A halt pose or any gait besides a gallop or piaffe (may be edited with tack)
Endurance: Any gait besides a gallop or piaffe (may be edited with tack, rider, & background)
Advanced Endurance: Any gait besides a gallop or piaffe (may be edited with tack, rider, & background)
Showmanship: No official poses as entries are more art-based and allow for all kinds of editing